
Friday, November 30, 2012

Thou shalt be 'foodged'!!!!!

Judging in any form is wrong. I never judge even if I could. I could think "How miserable and jobless of you to not only click on my blog link but actually READ it!!!" But no. I don't judge. 

And I hate people who judge. And unfortunately, this society gives me too much to hate. The minute you set eyes on a person, BAM!! Your mind has shifted to JUDGE gear. 

Beggar - lazy

Rich Man - Corrupt
Beautiful Girl - dumb girl
Strong woman - man hater
Weak woman - push over
Man who brings flowers - has something to cover up
Man who wears flowers - Gay
Physically handicapped - pitiable
Fat - lazy
Thin - doesn't eat enough

And once they judge them, they wear spectacles of that tint and continue to see that person in the same shade. And don't bother to find out if their version of that person is atleast close to who the real person is. 

This is just judging. Now let's talk about Food judging or what I like to call, foodging. No, no, I am not talking about Master Chef like food judging. While the former is a very fruitful and a very creative exercise, nothing good comes of the second kind. This is a new kind where people judge others by what they eat and how they cook. 

If Diet were a bus, it would be pretty packed because everyone these days seem to be on it!!! Avoiding oil, eating magical, expensive (and yucky tasting) food like oats, millets, brown rice, flax seeds....

These days, isn't there too much fixation on food? Even people like me who scored shamefully low in biology and chemistry know the full forms of MSG, understand Low-cal, High-Carb, Trans Fat, MUFA, PUFA, SOFA (hee hee... just kidding. No such thing.... or is there?). Gone are the simple days when we would just eat. Now we count calories, find out what goes in it, we let Google invade even this private space and most commonly and irritatingly FEEL GUILTY and curse food. "God! My fifth Samosa of the month" (you are keeping track, you psycho?). "Why is this *&$##@ Pizza so tasty?" (Because it is $%$$^^*, you naive person!!!). "I shouldn't have done it" (You just binged on a sweet for God's sake. You didn't marry the wrong person!!)

And you know what makes it worse? We thrust all our guilt on the next person we meet and give loads and loads of unsolicited gyan. Hence its such a horrible experience to meet acquaintances for lunch or dinner these days. 

Imagine this. You are all hungry. Haven't eaten a morsel since morning. You go to your friend's who has invited you for lunch. And when you eat your 4th phulka, she looks at you as if you are having an extra-marital affair! Mouth-watering spread of food before you, all you can think of is to enjoy your meal but instead you will have to hear "latest research on how to cut calories", "some magic kitchen ingredient that cuts down fat" "how you should not eat all at once" etc etc. There is a simple method to cut calories actually. BY NOT EATING!!!! 

The world is divided at different times into different categories. The Good and the Bad. The wise and the Ignorant. The haves and the have-nots. Its now the dieters and the eaters. Earlier, there used to be a stigma attached to girls eloping or criminal court cases or certain diseases. Now it is how many times a family has deep-fried snacks, how often does pizza delivery come in, how late you eat your dinners, how are your snacking habits etc. 

If you think all this concern, gyan and fixation leads to something, you are as wrong as drinking ice-cold water with a cheese pizza*. (*Go ahead.. google it ;))
We binge, then cringe. 
The more we limit our servings, the more unlimited are our cravings. 
One day, you eat veggies on steam. One day, your motivation loses its steam.
Shaakhaahaari today. Chicken Khandahaari tomorrow.

Who are we to judge? Each person has a different take on food. And it is a personal decision on what, when, how much and how healthy to eat. You reading a diet book or being on a diet or even being a dietician does not give the right to judge another man's eating habits unless solicited. 

We are all human and yes, most of us live to eat! There, I said it! Eat and let eat. Just remember how we felt when Obama said the world food crisis is because Indians eat too much#. 

#yeah yeah, google this too.


BADARI said...

hello sowmya....great candid straight from the heart...

Anonymous said...

This is simply great!